aku kamu dan gyea

aku kamu dan gyea
aku, kamu dan gyea

Saturday, March 30, 2013

the one i adore the most

i believed, there is one person that you really wanna have a deeper conversation with. and sometimes, you just used to a adore a stranger, and sometimes you are just can be obsess with someone you never met face to face. yet, i adore Dr M since he was our Prime Minister. his critical thinking of finding the problem solving was seriously awesome. i remember when he told us story about why we do need the Penang bridge? and, how the KLCC can manage to help the country urbanization.

lately, im enjoying reading Doktor Umum. i ask my dad bought it for me. at first, i prefer it to be in English, but then papa said that he wants the malay version. so, dahla duit orang..  kita ikut jelah..

there is a talk at Dewan Besar today. it is so called : Bicara Negarawan. i was too excited to come, but then, i have FaSaSi to be complete. sadly, it dont manage to finish early. 

this talk start at 2pm, and our FaSaSi ends at about 5:30pm. just after i finish the FaSaSi, i directly go to the Dewan Besar, to meet Dr M.   BUT UNFORTUNATELY, the time when i arrived, is the time where all the souvenirs are given from Melaka, and UTeM TO DrM.


susah payah, then i line up and waiting for him to pass thraough. that time, i saw many people ask for signature on the "House Doctor" book. teruslah i feel like.. oh miza!! why dont you bring the book here!!!!

there are so many people.. and there is a very rude girl.. tolak2 orang, until my right side terkepit and tersepit. i cant really stand straight, semorang bertolak-tolak..

and so, disebabkan itu, i just can have 2 picture from my iphone. cepat2 click! 



this one, i curik from my friend! hehe

so thats how my day was. hoping to come to ceramah, ta dapat.. signature pun ta dapat.. gilaa ah! kecewa dengan sakit ditolak je dapat..

so, maybe if there any ceramah dia, i wanna come with the book pulak.. 
when? dont know..

love and faith.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


well i hope there is a word conduct to show how senior and how arrogant i am being to show my seniorisme. HAHA, ok lets lupakan a bit on how i make this word wujud, but the thing i want to story now is the feeling of being a senior.

in malay martial art class: alhamdulilah, i have Tamat (END) my practical class, and we are now waiting for graduation. to ensure we always remember the steps, the class will be still on until we grad. sometimes, they do mix us up with those at Asas (Beginner) class and the second level class.. the feel of entering this class, after you manage to complete everything, was just amazing! nak dijadikan pula, we all starts to wear baju uniform rasmi, its put us a thousand miles far away BETTER than the beginner class. say who? we are maybe better in knowing all the steps, but i am personally having problem to remember the sequence as i always skip the Tuesday's practical class.

but then, the kids are looking forward and look HIGHER at us, everytime we do some react or step, even it is so damn simple, we are going to get a little " whoaahhh" from them. and there, the seniorisme came! once, i punch my junior chest, and i feel like i have did it so badly painful. so i make my apology. unfortunately, the girls make me change my mind by saying: takpe, dia( tunjuk kawan sebelah dia) tumbuk lagi sakit.. as a senior with an arrogant seniorisme, i feel like challenging with her statement, so..in the next round, i give her  a FULL BLAST from my right hand. result : she kept her mouth shut! bagus!! *clap,clap!\

secondly, our gamelan team are having newcomers. most of them are from my class. so, apparently, going to gamelan practice and academic session do not give me a differ now. remember i said i was playing Saron Baron for the team? yet, i am now changing on Bonang Penerus now. this is again because the seniorisme. they are so many people, and they need the easier instrument to play cool and get in the music before being matured with this traditional malay's music instrument. as the number of these ketuk2 instrument ta cukup, so i have to move on Bonang. <3 again="" diri.="" menguasai="" p="" seniorisme="" there="">
thirdly, serious matter! i skip attending meeting with PNC, because the meeting is so mengejut and i cant handle to come that night. by the way, on meeting, PNC says that,, my paperwork gonna be the best one, and will be the grand event of our college events. with all the compliments given, there's a seniorisme again come!'

seniorisme maybe looks like arrogant or lebih tepat to call it kerek gila with additional of sombong. but as long it does  not troubling, it is actually nothing. dont h=get me wrong, i dont and i wont be arrogant, i am only my best in doing everything.

sleepy and bye for now.

give me some sunshine

give me some rain

give me the another chance

i wanna grow up once again