aku kamu dan gyea

aku kamu dan gyea
aku, kamu dan gyea

Thursday, July 26, 2012


kelakar kan.
sekarang aku tulis entry, aku draft.
aku tulis lagi, aku draft lagi..
sebab aku sibuk fikirkan orang,

terfikirlak aku.. blog ni aku owner ke bukan,
abehtu, nape aku nak takut plak..?


new me.

stop observing, focus more on myself.
InsyaAllah <3

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

ramadhan ya ramadhan

assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, wa magfiratu, wa ridhwanuhu,

first of all, how are you guys? are fasting make you guys become lembik and tak bersemangat? come on, i guess.. this is not your first time, is it? so.. kite enjoy. its ramadhan again.
 alhamdulilah, i just had read my friend blog. she has something which i think, a very nice entry. you may read it through this! 
wish you all of luck, my dear friend. and this is for ya!

" fighting is enjoined on you, and it is an object of dislike to you, and it may be that you dislike a thing while it is good for you, and it may be that you love a thing while it is evil for you, and Allah know, while you do not know "
Surah Al Baqarah, 2 : 216

this is actually one of what i always use to live my life. so, i share this, mana tahu.. it would be one of your favourite too.

ok, lets come to my main point of writing this entry.
have a look to this picture. well, i dont know.. why it corrupted, until become like this. buruk,buruk!


okay this is my to do list, which i had hang it in my room for this ramadhan. the reason is only to give a very good peringatan to myself, as i'm having short memory syndrome, and bad in memorizing.. and need to be remind myself for thousands.

okay, part one!
well, i'm just trying to say that i will try my best to not only doing solah, but performing it to the almighty god. the word perform is not only doing it, but we have to do our best and perform it to our god. we should repair or maybe have some treatment of our way of solah. perform a better one. insyaAllah.

part two
i will try my best to cover my aurah. wearing scarf, a good one. long sleeve shirts, socks.. 
i'm really trying hard on this.

part three
hurmm.. recite is actuall a product of read, understand,  get knowledge and practicing it.
and i hope i can treat my way of reciting. maybe i should go to tadarus class or listen to some audios.

part four
stop talking nonsence. stop merapu, meraban or anything. less talk, less pain. i dont really want  to note other people life. stop using harsh words. *i try my best* i just wanna have simple life, about me, myself and i.. *maybe with my future Imaam, kalau ada* and if i have nothing good to say, i prefer keep quiet.

part five
well, seriously.. i dont really always with parents. but arguement are like water is my house, so, this month, i'll practice to not make any arguement with my parents. insyaAllah.

part six
yes, i am hamizah. and i sure can draw thousands of fake smiles. i'll make sure, i give the sweet one, for this ramadhan

part seven
i dont really eat like ikan paus at lautan  atlantik. so, why i should go to bazaar. furthermore, i am home alone instead. jangan membazir. amalan syaiton.

part eight
haha.. this one.. read this entry.

part nine
extra doa, extra time with god. extra amalan.
doa untuk my future, my studies, my families, my enemies, my friends, my health, the love ones. *kalau ade* and the most important...
for myself. :)

that' s it. i dont have more.
i dont want more.
i just want to earn more.
more from last time.
to be a better person.
and live with guide of the holy Al Quran
with my ONLY ONE. *kalau ada*

and, be the best.... and beloved servant to my god.


Friday, July 20, 2012

ramadhan al mubarak

salam ramadhan al mubaraq.. semoga saya, anda dan kita semua menggunakan ramadhan ini sebaiknya. dan semoga ia meninggalkan kesan dan memberikan kebaikan kepada kita. InsyaAllah. 

love and faith,

Thursday, July 19, 2012

cerita kedai kopi.

i am not blind. i saw you. i noticed you. hey there... text me, chat with me, talk to me. i am waiting. because i miss you a lot. and i know you too. i don't care if you not...i'll make you do. i don't text you, because i feel not so good. because i really want you to text me first. okay? i am still waiting.. tut,tut..tut...tut.. and you are still not doing anything. ya right! i'm dreaming.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

henfon ke sekolah?

assalamualaikum.. baik! hari ni aku nak beritahu jenis2 henfon yang wujud kat malaysia nii.. 

yang ni blackberry bold, selain bold blackberry ade gak family2 lain.. tapi yang tengah top, blackberry curve, bold dan torch.

ni pulak iphone 4s, sekarang da kua iphone 5.

ni sony ericson cybershot.

ni samsung galaxy SIII yang aku na sangat ade..

ni nokia lumia 900

okayy kenal dah jenama2 henfon? aku ta faham laa.. apesal banyak sangat orang ta puas hati bila dibolehkan bawa henfon ke sekolah? nak panjangkan cerita apesal..take it easy.. mase sekolah dulu, bukan korang ta bawak lansung.. paling tak pun, bawak mase pegi kem, pegi lawatan.. kire bawaklah jugak pegi sekolah kan..? cume bezanya, lepas ni.. korg tayahlaa nak sorok-sorok.

macam kes aku, adek aku pegi sekolah, cakap balik kul 3, sekalai extend kelas smpi kul 5, tak ke cam badut aku tunggu kat depan pintu die..tanya acik jaga, acik jaga tataw.kan ke dah buang mase aku.. commonlah.. this is for our kemudahan actually. kalau korang rase tak selamat.. easy, dont let them bring. kerajaan bagi bawak phone ke sekolah.. tapi die tak cakap pun 'mewajibkan pembawakkan phone ke sekolah'. so, ape pun.. itu pilihan! 

tapi kalau aku, aku lagi suke adeq aku bawak phone, senang aku nak contact die. and senang die nak inform aku ape-ape. pikir positive. kalau rase ade keburukan yang lebih banyak. so just them bring it on the day yang perlu sahaja. korang lebih dewasa dari mereka. control theirs attitude.

ade plak cakap, naty ade yang bluetooth video lucah..benda2 ta senonoh, kamonla brade sista! give at least a trust to them. kalau dorg buat, then..baru ambil tindakkan.. 

small matter lah.
tapayah panjang2 cerita.

Monday, July 16, 2012

borak borak bosan

assalamualaikum and heyy whassup.. adoihh.. kenapa tetiba mood bosan aku ni datang menggunung plak.. jap,jap.. asal aku sakit kepala lak ni.. adeh. tolongla... ooo, maybe sebab tadi aku mengamuk sebab marah adeq aku kot.. haha, takdelah.. adeq aku tu, esok dah trial exam.. hari ni die still tak tahu ape tu surat rasmi, surat tak rasmi.. i mean, UPSR bape hari je lagi.. adehh.. aku bukan nak kata die nii bodoh ke ape..tak laaa! takkan aku nak cakap menda camtu..adeq kot.. die ni just sgt malu2 dalam mencari ilmu.. and so just you know, this entry i wanna talk about you, okay Ash?

frankly said, adeq aku ni kinda yang tak keluar rumah.. tahun 1 je, die dah diberi handpfone.. ps1 dan lap top sendiri.. so, die nii agak kearah games dan perkara yang sewaktu dengannya. jadi aku sebagai akak yang tak bertanggungjawab, mestilah mempunyai sikap tapuas ati.. aku darjah 3 baru dapat phone.. form 4 baru reti tekan2 lappy.. die darjah satu... wahhhh, gila moden adeq aku ni.HAHA.  dunia adeq aku ni mudah, die pergi sekolah.. die masuk kelas, buat hal die. die kate, kawan2 die tak suka die, sebab die gemuk. tapi aku cakap, kawan-kawan die tasuke die sebab die sangat skema dan lurus bendul. ahahha. *maaf,akak mu ini gangster Malaya time sekolah dulu * , then die balik sekolah pukul 3, pergi makan sorang-sorang, then buat homework, balik rumah dalam pukul 6 petang, solat asar dan mandi, 6:30 masuk kelas tuisyen. pukul 8 balik, solat magrib dan memulakan aktiviti harian seperti playing games, watching TV, texting my aunt atau kacau aku tengok muvie *sebab sekarang ni aku cuti  kan..* oleh sebab die ni menjalani kehidupan yang kebanyakkannya kesorangan, die menjadi semakin malu untuk bertanya kepada orang kalau tak tahu. dan mula dari situ, bile "tak tahu" tu di gunungkan,. last2 takde menda yang die tahu.. aku pernahla uji tahap kefahaman sains die.. lagi2 bab elektrik.. wahh, superb weyh.. *alaa,.. skolah rendah.. standard lah!* tapi kalau exam die tak dapat jawab.. when we ask why, he said: cikgu tak ajar pun soalan ni.. ini satu lagi masalah adeq aku.. ta boleh ke die aplikasikan ape cikgu ajar.. ahahhaha..

mudahlaa cakap.. sebab aku bukan die. kita tataw ape yang die rase. mungkin die takut untuk mencuba. mungkin juga die malas berfikir..atau die tataw nak buat keputusan apa. he needs guidance, dan terlalu banyak pendapat buat die rase tertekan dan tatahu nak pilih yang mana. he used to tell me once : ammar ta fahamlaa.. why kadang2 it's be on the right, jadang2 be on the wrong path.. hahaha.. see! semua orang cakap, tak sama.. macam aku.. aku pun kadang2 pening.. orang ni cakap mcm ni.. orang ni cakap tu plak.. cuma bexanaya.. what we are thinking about.. masalah, directly the same... 

aku ada jugak terai nak bagi tunjuk ajar kat adeq aku ni.. tapi it seems like aku kurang pandai menguruskan kanak-kanak..so, selalulah aku rase nak jerit lagi-lagi bila die setat menjawab. level darah aku, naik macam rase nak bertukar jadi hulk pun ade..tapi sayang kot kat adeq aku tu.. sebab aku pernah terfikir.. loneliness yang die hadapi sememangnya lebih teruk dan he needs me so.

so, nak ta nak.. you have to love me, okay ash! wajib~ ahahahha. :D

notakaki: beza umur aku dengan ammar ashraf (i call him Ash, he used to speak to me by name of Ammar) ialah 8 tahun.. mase die lahir tu, mase zaman kegimalangan aku, mase aku darjah 3. disebabkan dulu, aku takde adek beradik lelaki..dan aku plak sekolah pempuan, serta paksa aku menggunakan istilah I,YOU dalam perbualan bersama mana-mana kawan lelaki.. jadi, sehingga ke tahun ini.. aku masih menggunakan istilah itu, walaupun aku cakap dengan Ash. entahlaa.. cuba ubah jugak.. tapi,, naty jadi balik.. so..lantakla.. ade aku kesah! 

ok.. sebenarnye aku bosan.. aku tataw pun ape aku tulis ni..

love and faith

Friday, July 13, 2012

to be hamizah (Part 1)

i am me. always smile, always laughing, always non supermodel. doest like people call her ladies. do chills like teenagers,, well i do think i'm still teenagers instead. age doesnt matter to me. i use baby's powder. i do not have any facial wash. i love my teddy bears, i befriend with rainbow since i was a little girl. i  put the blame on mcdonalds everytime my weight gaining. *but i still cant stop eating it* i'm very open minded, i love my friends, i would like to get marry in my young age. i hates ants! i not good in playings with kids. i hate kids. never born as a good mother..*i'm scared, if one day i kill my own children* i only dress beautifully when i think i'm beautiful. i in love with Johnny Depp. i love musics, i learned guitar since 6th grades. i learned kompang, gamelan, trumpet, violin on my 1st former of secondary. i learned to hit the snale drums on my first sem of degree. i learn piano only until grade 3. i hate watching people fighting. i love martial arts. but i scared to use it. i dont cry, because cry make me feel im the worst one.*ok,i lie* i have experienced getting no 1 in class, and getting the last one in class. i look bossy in meeting.i still wear slippers,although my mom  ask me to walk 2km away from her.i buy t shirt everywhere, including kedai RM10. i love shopping, and money dont really loves me. i love adventurous activities..but since i'm gaining weight, i dont really go for it. ok, once again, i put the blame on mcd!

in my 3rd year of secondary, i'm be catch of homosexual relationship, just because i put my head on my friends lap, under the tree, after playing bola jaring. and still i dont care what peoples think, i think its cool enough to be me. and i do believe we didnt do anything wrong. i brought my handphone everyday to school, but i'm never get catch by prefect. in my final year of secondary, i always skip my class, and call my mom, said im okay, so she doesnt have to be worry. i sorok my bags inside the st johns cupboard before i run from class.*ok, the QC is going to run after me* , then i ask somebody to act like buang sampah with the big black plastic hitam, which is actually, inside are my bags. *ours actually, sorry teamsoulmates* i love camping and camping do loves me. and i really cant understand why people said that the jungle is cool enough.. i say it hot! *kipas,kipas* i cant be trusted if you use the word 'jangan' , its makes my curiousity gain to the high level. i'm hoping someone i like come to my graduation day with 3 big daisies. i do have thousand of problems, but i only think one which is not suppose to think first. my dad said im fat and i do look like Duck Tours. my mother said i'm very lazy, and hard to be control. my mom always talk about my past times. about my sickness since i was born, and my mistakes, that i've repents without people knowing it. so, i sing a song in my head everytime my mom nagging. my mother loves me. so, she's quite over protecting me. my mom know nothing about car, but she's an engineer of Wafee. She knows everything, and what to do to wafee. my mom cries when i am going to PLKN. because she thought i cant do those activities there.

i am very easy to get fever, so.. dont be so close to me, A+ people. i cant remember peoples name, although not their faces. i can remember song lyrics but never chemistry. i love gadgets, but not all gadget loves me. my younger sister call me stupid if i get my maths B. my youngest brother used to call me Freak. once , i thought singers are at the konti, everytime the songs are on radio. i hates light,so i keep my room without any lights. only some glow in the dark stars. and the light from phone and lappy. i hate people ask why i talk a lot. i cant stop talking, if i do, i will feel alone. yes, i'm afraid of feeling to be alone..and when it comes, i hear a very high pitch sound in my ears and i will scared. so, dont ask me. if you feel annoy, just smile, i'll understand it. i really believe on my own heartbeat. i dont do my homeworks, except for my bahasa melayu, because the teacher treat me very well, and i dont want she sad because of me. she is the one who make me want to enter UM. i still wanna be pilot, even my mother dont let me to. i never bored to isi those application forms, and gets email or offer letters to be anpilot cadet. i know, i've hundreds of it. *okayy, minus 80lah..* i'd celebrate my valentine day with my maths teacher when i'm form 4. *okay, once again i'd lie.. the whole class are celebrating it with him* i turn the musics loudly if i have to get ready faster, i dont know, but the music seems to help me to be extra faster a -lil-bit.

i love to hear when people talking, because sometimes they said something that really helps me to live my life. i wish i can forgive all people every night before sleep, i dont wear any make up, i only use the eyeliner, if and only if, i miss my girls at school. because its a way of remembrance. like we had promise before. dont give me food as  a gift, because i do treat give as the things that i have to keep nicely until the end of mine. i still keep the ferero roche which had been given on my 17th birthday from my beloved friends. i still keep those flowers given by my Best Friend. i love flowers, daisy is the most. but i hate planting. i dont know why i'm writing this. i'm just getting tired and bored, so t least, there's something i can do. instead of waiting, something impossible to be happen. emm. dear god, i know you listening my sigh, and i know sighing is not for me, ok, to be continued. malas dh datang menemani aku disini.

dont know why!
love and faith,



Sepi hati terjadi lagi
Mungkin sampai mati aku sepi
Biar senyum hadir di hariku
namun ini hanya ada di bibir
di bibir saja

Aku ini yang bisa mengerti
walaupun yang lain mau mengerti
Namun berat beban hidupku
biarkan saja
Biar saja hanya ku yang tahu

Sejarah cinta dan hidupku
penuh duri dan banyak ranjau
Butuh kesabaran yang penuh
untuk tetap ku berdiri

Oh.. ada saatnya ku bicara
bila hatiku telah bulat
Sepanjang ku bisa atasi semua
aku tetap diam

Woo.. sejarah cinta dan hidupku
penuh duri dan banyak ranjau
butuh kesabaran yang penuh
untuk tetap ku berdiri

Oh.. ada saatnya ku bicara
bila hatiku telah bulat
Sepanjang ku bisa atasi semua
aku tetap diam.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


seseorang yang aku tak mahu kenal
seorang yang sangat ramah

seseorang yang aku malu berbicara.
seorang yang sentiasa buat kelakar

seseorang yang aku tidak pernah jumpa
seorang yang ayatnya seperti sudah kenal lama.

nice knowing you :)

# dan kalu DIA terbaca, adakah dia akan cemburu..? oomaiigadd..aku nak diam.
cemburulah,cemburu tandanya sayang!

Monday, July 9, 2012

haiwan kesayangan

aku ade satu situasi, and aku hope boleh la korang tolong kawan aku ni.

situasi: kawan aku ade bela 4 ekor kucing dewasa. masalahnya, dia sekarang baru sahaja pindah rumah, dan kawasan rumah dia tu tiada penduduk tetap. raya ni, die balik raya di negeri sembilan. jadi tak ada siapa nak jagakan kucing dia. 'kalau seekor, saya bawa.. ni empat ekor..." tak mampu rasanya nak jaga dalam kereta. nak hanta pergi 'hotel' mahal.. satu hari rm70 seekor. 'kucing tu tak biasa hidup liar, semua buat dalam rumah je. so, saya tak tahu nak buat apa'

mendengar rintihan kawan aku tu, sangatlah aku kasihan.. jadi aku nak lah tanya pendapat korang yang banyak emelihara haiwan2 kesayangan korang.. mana tahu ade idea yang boleh aku bagi kat die nanti.

sharing is caring :)

love and faith,

nota kaki,

hari ni jek, post ni dah 45 viewers... silalah comment, takkan bace jek.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


okay sape suruh aku pepandai nak buat keputusan.
patuh aku yang kena sendiri. okay..memarahi diri sendiri.

tapi tadi aku watch The Black Mamba on youtube.
lepastu mood aku tak semena-mena menjadi lebih ceria.

nice trick!
it was a very great move..patutlah banyak kali menang.
okayy.. jelous!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

kalau sahaja aku boleh....

heart.beats.fast.colour.and promises.

aku semakin mengejar sesuatu yang takpasti
aku semakin menanti dia yang tidak pasti
aku semakin terluka atas perasaan sendiri.

kalau sahaja aku boleh....
putarkan masa semula, aku tidak mahu melakar janji..
kerana janji,aku masih disini
sedangkan die masih belum pasti.

kalau sahaja aku boleh.....
hentikan waktu, aku akan lari dari meratap kasih
kerana kasih aku masih berdiri
sedangkan dia terbuai bermimpi

kalau sahaja aku boleh......
menutup telinga, aku tidak mahu mendengar rintihannya
kerana rintihan,aku masih berlari
sedangkan dia masih tidak sedar apa yang terjadi

kalau sahaja aku bisa....
menutup mata, aku tidak mahu membaca tutur bahasanya
kerana bahasa, aku tetap menemani
sepanjang malam tanpa henti.
sedangkan dia, sedangkan dia
masih lagi mencari identiti hati yang tak pasti

kalau sahaja aku boleh....
padamkan nota, akan aku tenggelamkan segala memori
agar aku boleh mencari damai dihati.
mencari erti kasih di hati
mencari zatNya yang katanya tersembunyi
sedangkan dia, tidak akan pernah 
tidak pernah merasa kewujudanku, tidak pernah merasa keikhlasanku.

kalau sahaj aku boleh....
membina satu pengakhiran, akan aku sisipkan air mata berlinangan.
walaupun aku terluka yang sangat dalam.
sedangkan dia, masih lagi di dalam.. mencari jawapan bagi berjuta persoalan.

dia akan datang kembali, merintih, menghantar bahasa padaku
menangis, membasahi bajuku.
mencari, meratap kasih dariku...

dan masih, aku masih memberi
walau sejuta kali aku katakan untuk berhenti.

ambil,ambillah kasih dalam hati ini.
ia memang milik kamu.
dan aku akan sentiasa disini..
berjaga sepanjang malammu.
jangan takut, berhentilah menangis.

dan esok...
dia kembali pergi..
pergi meninggalkan aku sendiri
pergi tanpa kata kata akhir.
pergi menikmati dunia sendiri.
dan aku terus menanti
menanti sesuatu yang tak pasti.

dan aku terus mengasihi.

sehingga esok itu datang kembali.
dimasa kau perlukan aku lagi.
untuk meritih dan menangis
dan esok 
kau pergi lagi.

#i dont have any idea. this is mieza mohamed and now is 0445. so, maybe this is because of the weather and my emotion.hahha. nice one. but its just something stupid that i feel to write here. nothing to be relate of okayy! :) just some words that i found inside this hard box. HAHA.

happy ending do exist!

in fairytales.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


assalamualaikum and a very good-good day to all the FOLLOWERS and READERS yang suke dan menyukai membaca entry2 ta penting dalan blog main jiwa ni. i do believe all readers mesti pernah bersekolah and seriously merindui zaman persekolahan. welL, same goes here. aku sangat merindui zaman sekolah aku, saat aku jadi budak baik dan nakal! haha *macam la sekarang aku tak nakal lagi*

entry aku kali ni, aku nak memperkenalkan *betul ke memper- * kawan -kawan aku mase zaman aku muda mudi, suka suki dan belia belii. 

jangan risau kengkawan, aku dah tolong survey dan curik gambar korang yang paling comel  untuk belog aku supaya followers aku tak muntah bila tengok.. *okey,joking ^^,

macam2 pose kawan2 aku ni buat, so.. aku stalk akaun mukabuku dorang untuk dapatkan gambar  hodoh tersebut. haha. macam2 , ada yang banyak gambar orang lain dari gamba die, ada yang private-kan, sampai aku pun takley tengok... ade yang satu gamba pun aku tak boleh tengok.. kecuali Default Picture je yang boleh tengok.. *ika,tu kau sebenarnye* haha. so, pilih nye pilih.. ni jela yang mampu aku pilih untuk korang.

NO 1 
also known as Ruby.  satu amaran keras untuk semua orang. SHE IS NOT A GOOD GIRL. SHE IS PRETENDING! hahaha. ruby sekarang sedang buat futher study dalam Bachelor of Accounting di Multimedia University (MMU, Melaka) die seorang yang gila-gila dan do everything ikut suka ! if she doesnt want to do her homework, she will never do it, although you give her thousand millions dolar! sangat tekad tuh! she is the leader of orang utan and acts like monkey in the class. HAHA. ruby is a very cheerful person and she's really good in account!

NO 2
also known as Aen. she is the youngest among us. so, she always acts youngest-nye itu.. lagi2 dalam perihal seperti takut ponteng kelas and what will happen if we go there.. seriously, she was like that. tapi masa tu lah yang membuatkan she really do look cute.  aku ingat lagi, die off phone die just because, her birthday is on the day of  PMR result. HAHA. she is now at Kolej Universiti Islam Melaka (KUIM) for her futher study in Diploma Kewangan Syariaah. (woot,woot.. dengar nama pun aku dah kecut! tahu..mesti susah) . Aen is well in drawing and designing something. pandai melukis gak die ni.. selalu lahh, tolong aku conteng tangan ruby mase dalam kelas fizik. haha. aen ni baik orangnye, peramah.. cuma pemalu. she is very,very, very FUNNY!  she can make me PEcah PErut for laughing with her. :)  she is quite sensitive, but apparently WE can handle that. happy friend with you,aen :)

NO 3
we call her as Mas, although her family call her by Linda. she is a very, very, very, very times thousand!  cheerful person. always look happy walaupun in trouble. a very independent person. and loves Korea sangat2. she manage to burn hundreds ringgit to go to Super Junior concert. haha. maybe she feel so berpuas hati bila dapat jumpa Si Won kot. haha. *Si Won ta hensem la mas!*  Mas is very good in accounting, i dont know how she manage to understand those account thing. i, myself cant even understand what is going on in the question. so, who says.. account is easy? i bet you get it wrong,darling! hahaha. mas now is at Kolej Poly-tech Mara, Cheras. she is now doing her third year diploma of accounting. go go chaiyok Miss Accountant!

NO 4
ika ramli is very fashionista. she loves fashion very muxh. she also a very cheerful person but pemalu.. *oink,oink!* she is very gile-gile and love mengemas. die selalu kemas barang2 atas meja, and bawah meja untuk memastikan ianya bersih. whenever she feels hot in the class, she will bukak kasut and also stoking, and walk around the class with kaki ayam. good in Bola Jaring and Kawad Kaki. selalu pengsan dekat sekolah, and adelah dapam 2 kali aku kena hanta die pergi hospital sebab sakit. haha. kelakar die ni. paling kelakar, she acts like she was pregnant when we are in form four. gile geli!  ada satu time camping, there are besi terlanggar dekat perut die, and she run inside the tent to get the handphone, and said : Papa, anak kita gugur!  hahahaha. She is soooo dramatic! hahaha. :) she manage to tell our teacher that we need extra chair for our books. but, a year later she's transfering to Taiping, and now to JB. she is now at Universiti Teknologi Mara, Perak for her diploma of qualitative surveying.

NO 5
salmah gebu! hahaha, we always kenakan her by the name of that. tataw pulak yang salmah gebu tu is a character of zaman dulu-dulu. macam mana lah kitorang nak tahu.l we are now in millinium punya era. haha. she is very hardworking. kire die selalu lah jugak ponteng sekolah. haha. *hardworking mende!*  and bukan selalu lah jugak.. selalu sangat!!! hahah. she loves vacartion, and love her facebook account so much.. tataw ape emas ade kat situ. hahah. she has a very neat handwriting. now she is at Universiti Teknologi Mara, Melaka for her Diploma of Accounting Information. Viel Gluck my dear :)

NO 6
iejan ngek is the name for her number in my phone contacts. die sangat ngek ngok.. thats why she deserved the name iejan ngek. hahah. iejan is now at Kolej Sains Kesihatan BerseKUTU Johor Bahru. she is taking Diploma of nursing. and she is now wearing RED colour for her 'stuff' at her shoulder. i dont really now about the red thing, but she told me that the red colour shows that she already being senior, as she is now in third year of his studies. wahh... nurse kawan aku sorang nii. please lah iejan, dont be nurse yang garang.. aku selalu gaduh dengan nurse kat hospital tahu! hahaha.. ape2 pun.. i love you, iejan :)

NO 7
rinie is very small size.. kalau aku kurus,ntah boleh ke tak aku kurus macam die nii! hahaha. *aku nak kurus, bila nii!* rinie ni sangat penyabar orangnya. she is a shy and soft girl. yang paling penting.. die tak hipokrit. she is really shy and soft person. sebab itu memang die. haha. she is now at Universiti Teknologi Mara Melaka for her Diploma of Business. tadi kita tengok2 gambar die ni, she get Dean List sem lepas.. wahh, bravo-bravo.. *tepuk,tepuk* untuk kawan aku sorang ni. semoga cemerlang rinie ku sayang :)

#penatnye aku menulis!
huh!!. *tarik nafas, turun!*
*in with love, out with anger*

NO 8
as i cant find her picture in her profile, although i have her picture. i had make decision maybe she doesnt want to interfere her face in laman social.. so, nak ta nak.. i have to respect her own pendirian. diyana, yang kitorang always call her Donat is a very cheerful person. die always gembira, dan tersenyum in ape jua keadaan. wahh, baguslah.! she is very3333 hardworking. sebab always siap all her homeworks. dan akulah yang selalu pinjam buku die.. lagi2 akaun! selalu aku gn ruby berebut2 nak buku die.. nak salin jawapan. donat takut cikgu yang garang, jadi kadang2 macam2 die tersasar bile cikgu garang ada dalam kelas. mase kelas add math with 'teacher garang' , die terlepas nak buat jawapan kat depat, although teacher tak suruh die pun. katanya, daripada kena kat soalan yang susah..baik buat sekarang.. yang peliknya.. teacher ask, sape nak buat soklan satu.. then die agkt tangan and said.. : NO2, NO2.. HAHAHAHA. i can still remember that, honey. :) hahaha.

cukuplah tu..penat dah aku pura-pura puji korang. aku harap, our friendship will remains until the end. and korang wajible menjemput aku untuk majlis kovokesyen and akad nikah serta kawen walaupun kehadiran aku ni hanya tak lain ta bukan untuk perabih lauk majlis tu naty.

i love you all guys !
and stay boom-boom in my memories.

love and faith,

Best Player :)

 ladies! lad..lad..ladies.... here we goooo!!

assalamualaikum and a very good-good day to all readers and followers! (oooppss, VIP should be announce first!... i do appreciate the followers, thank you..thank you..)

so this entry i would like to write about  a man who is really good in playing games. he not always win the games, but he try by all his heart. he's quite funny and  well-manners!

hold your horses!  he is just Kang Gary! GELLY, GELLY!

Korean Name : 강개리
English Name : 
 Kang Hee GunKang Gary

Pseudonym (Nickname) : Flat Gary, Monday Couple (Song Ji Hyo's Boyfriend)

Date of Birth : 24 February 1978
Blood Type : 
Height : 174 cm
Weight : 70 kg
Status : Single 

Education : Department of Security Services, Yongin University
Occupation : Singer (LeeSsang)

he is one of the Running Man team and he won two times of running man Best Player. but that not the reason why i choose him.

everytime i watch runningman, i will shout his name.. go gary, go gary..he is sooooooo blur,until sometimes, he's very easy to be lied and used for the games.

this is the first time i write about korean artist.. 
this is because, he,himself  are so awesome.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

tataw antara dua.

aku ada satu situasi untuk korang fikir..

aku tengah cuti semester, sampai akhir bulan lapas. aku bosan dok umah, tapi aku gembira je. aku tade duit, dalam beg hanya ada rm20. minyak kereta aku dah kuning. tunggu papa guna, naty die isi kan la kott. haha. sejak akhir2 ni, rezeki aku murah, banyak ruang kerja nak guna aku. paling terdekat, kedai Bata kat depan rumah aku. die nak guna Asst Supervisor. gaji tak besa, tapi kerja relax.. sebab customer tak ramai sangat. tapi, nanti nak raya ramai sikit lah kot. haha,.

masalahnya.. aku macam agak malas nak kerja.. bukan apa.. aku terfikir, yang tak lama lagi nak puasa. sejak aku tingkatan 5, aku happy sangat sebab dapat mengerjakan solat sunat tarawih. so, aku tanak la tahun ni aku terlepas peluang nak  pergi terawih.. sebab kerja ni, ikut shift.

memanglah boleh buat sendiri, ergi masjid tu tak wajib.. tapi aku tataw acane nak buat sendiri. okay, dunia memang di hujung jari.. aku boleh cari kat internet.. tapi aku still meragui diri sendiri. hurmww.. *tenung,tenung*  emm, entahlaa.. aku tak tahu nak buat macam mana.. mama macam suruh aku kerja. tapi die suruh aku fikirlaa.. kan, for sure.. so aku harap.. followers and readers.. korang boleh komen, and bagi aku pendapat :)

ape-ape pun, terima kasih atas pembacaan dan komen kalian.

lost in love : miezamohamed

give me some sunshine

give me some rain

give me the another chance

i wanna grow up once again