aku kamu dan gyea

aku kamu dan gyea
aku, kamu dan gyea

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


well i guess, everyone here believes that the Securiforce vans do have money inside their carboot. me too!

once, i went tesco with my mom..
and my mom saw a securiforce van facing us, while we are walking across the road,
then she said...

" biar..biar dia langgar kita.. nanti semua duit beterabur.. kita boleh kutip! "

my bro hear what moms bubling, then reply

" kalau yg terabur tu duit, kalau yang terabur tu organ kita?"

everyone laugh for the word organ! hahaha..
then my bro continue his positive speech..

"masa tu, org lain yg dapat kutip duit, orang lain yang kutip organ kita..."

this is not funny, but i write this for
my brother.



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give me some rain

give me the another chance

i wanna grow up once again