aku kamu dan gyea

aku kamu dan gyea
aku, kamu dan gyea

Saturday, February 23, 2013


pernah tak korang ade perasaan malas nak drive, kadang2 tu jauh sangat perjalanan.. kadang2 tu dekat ciput je. tapi memang malas menguasai diri kamurang..

mama ajak aku teman dia pergi kedai accessories kereta. tapi aku malassss sangat nak pusing sampai malim yang bukan jauh sangat pun dengan rumah aku.. cam dalam 5- 10 km je macamtu. tapi, aku rasa maaaalaass sangat. aku suruh mama amek aku dirumah, naik satu kereta je. tapi mama kate, kalau dah sampai rumah, dia kena pusing pusing balik, macam tak best. so, dengan kemalasan dan sifat manusia aku yang nak mengamuk disebabkan malas.. aku pandu ke kedai itu jua.

sampai di kedai tu, sebaik sahaja aku keluar dari kereta, aku nampak.. seorang ibu, mengelek seorang bayi, memimpin dua org anak kecil, di belakang nya pula ade lagi 2 anak lelaki yang mungkin baru sekolah rendah, melangkah dang menapak, menuju ke mana aku tidak tahu.. tapi, aku cuba rasakan.. ya! mungkin mereka dah lama pun menapak, mungkin dari rumah.. mungkin menuju ke stesen bas, atau mungkin berarah ke sesuatu tempat. cuaca benar panas, terik.

aku mula berfikir, sudah diberi kemudahan dari Allah, tetapi aku masih tidak mahu bersyukur. Astagfirullah.

bak kata Hazama dan Amy Search dalam Simetri :

Sudah susah mahu yang mudah
Sudah mudah jangan bikin payah

love and faith,

Monday, February 18, 2013


when i am in matriculation programme , on the day our Muet result being announced. my english lecturer come to our class and asked *with a very fierce face*

" who get Band 1?"
>>>>> no one raise their hands

"band 2?

>>> maybe 2 people did raise their hands.

band 3?

>>> some of them raised their hand

band 4?

>>>> most of people raised their hand

band 5?

>>> no one again

>>> no one again,

then my lecturer become so angry and said :

" whoever feels like reseat, please reseat.. Band 4 is so called cukup cukup makan! "

i feel so bad that day, and believes i can do even better than that. so, i wanna to take this again.
yeap, and tomorrow is the day. speaking test is on 7:30 am, i feel so scared. with this kind of english level.. and how bad i speaks english right now, i dont think that i can do this.

i have tried so many times, but i just can feel the same vibration comes like lightening. oh God, please help me.

my ambition is to get Band 5, but then.. i believe, i cant.

i just too afraid right now, and please...do speak english to me, to cover up my english level.

i really need this.

in sad, afraid and alone

Friday, February 15, 2013

back to school

heyy there
assalamualaikum. whatsapp yaw! 

adeh, maka dengan ini, hari ini merupakan Jumaat, 20: 34 malam, waktu dimana aku sedang menghadap komputer riba dan pelbagai persoalan bermain dalam fikiran aku.

oh well! lagi 2 hari rupanya aku akan berdaftar untuk semester baru. semester yg jauh lebih mencabar dan jauh lebih memeningkan kepala hotak aku ini.

dan seperti yang telah diuar-uar kan, result semester lepas sangat mendukacitakan, tetapi... YA!!! bagi aku grades itu tidak lagi penting, yang penting ialah 



jadi nak dijadikan cerita. belum ape-ape lagi, aku dah tahu.. sem ni aku akan sangat gila dengan 5 killer subject yang kebanyakannya adalah subject mekanikal yang lansung tak beri muka kat aku, even aku buat muka seposen sekalipun. 

sem ni, aku akan berjuang untuk thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, mechanic machines, microprocessor, technical english, hubungan etnik dannnnn mechanical lab yang sangat meng-enjoy-kan.

aku percaya, sesiapapun... mana-mana pelajar engineering dari mana mana universiti sekalipun.. akan menyukai subject lab daripada duduk menelaah di bilik kuliah yang mengantukkan itu! 
Krr Krr
itu lah tempat betendang betumbuk untuk menguasai teknik-teknik nak menjadi seorang dokter pakar besi.

jadi maka dengan itu perlulah aku mula start packing barang untuk dibawa pulang ke hostel. walau bagaimanapun.. cehh! aku tidak tahu barang yang perlu dipack terlebih dahulu, jadi masa aku habiskan untuk berfikir.. err, cemana..ok ke?

pencil pemadam pen pembaris pe-apa lagi...*eh.. semua stationaries start with P kan.. haha
perlulah dikumpulkan sebab aku dah lupa, kotak mana satu aku letak pencil case aku.

gara gara terlalu taksub nak balik rumah untuk berhibernate bulan lalu , semuanya aku pakai campak di dalam kotak.
jadi sekarang, untuk process pre-pack, aku mulakan dengan unpack semula barang2 sem lepas.

dan ini, memakan masa lebih dari dua hari.

di mana dia, barang-barang saya..
barang barang saya, ada di dalam kotak..
ohooo... tolong carikan, tolong carikan..
tolong carikan ketipung payungg..

Krr Krr

nampak tak bear kat atas ni..
bear ni.. kalau nak hibernate..
dia akan makan banyyyaaaakkkk bannnyyyyaaakkk..
lepastu gosok gigi guna fresh and white.. dan hibernate sepuas hati.
bila bangun, tahu2 dah kurus....

jikalau akuuuu..
aku makan banyaakkk... banyyaakkk
dan hibernate.. bila bangun..
insyaAllah, TAMBAH satu lagi bilangan X kat size aku. hahaha. 

maka itlah perbezaan aku dengan bear, selain persamaan kami berdua sangat comel.



Wednesday, February 13, 2013


everyone should know about the new release horror movie, named : MAMA. i heard many comments about the movie. some said that the movie is seriously scary, some said.. ok-oklah.. some are not answering question..
Q : hows the movie?
A : ohh beb, you need to watch this!

Krr Krr.

one night, on the dining table. just after we ate our dinner.

me : i want to watch Mama lah, tapi 18 tahun keatas.. baby ta boleh tgk~~ huhu
(* me- always watch movie with my lil brother >.<")

mom : cerita ape?

me : cerita hantu.

mom: cerita melayu ke onputih?

(belum sempat jawab soalan mama)

sis Ul : siapa belakon?

dak ha : *HENTAM* jennifer lopez!

mom : ohh!! melayu~~ ? ( terkeluar dgn tak sengaja dan terlebih excited)

me : jennifer lopez memang melayu!

mom : pfttttttt!! ( i guess )



well i guess, everyone here believes that the Securiforce vans do have money inside their carboot. me too!

once, i went tesco with my mom..
and my mom saw a securiforce van facing us, while we are walking across the road,
then she said...

" biar..biar dia langgar kita.. nanti semua duit beterabur.. kita boleh kutip! "

my bro hear what moms bubling, then reply

" kalau yg terabur tu duit, kalau yang terabur tu organ kita?"

everyone laugh for the word organ! hahaha..
then my bro continue his positive speech..

"masa tu, org lain yg dapat kutip duit, orang lain yang kutip organ kita..."

this is not funny, but i write this for
my brother.



Monday, February 11, 2013

Challenge Accepted!

haritu.. my day starts with a tag from my friend, Eva to a picture of  i dont know what it is. but, there's a caption written there which state that :-

1. You must post the rules
2. You must DRAW the answers
3. You must choose 5 people to tag.
4. No tag backs

1. Draw either Rilakkuma/Korilakkuma/Hello Kitty in human form
2. Draw your favourite food
3. Draw your most favourite thing/item

just because i am tagged on the photos, i have to do this challenge. well, again.. with no ability and talent in drawing, i try my best to do this!

1. Draw either Rilakkuma/ Korilakkuma/ Hello Kitty in human form.

first of all, i dont know what are those Rilakkuma and Korilakkuma!!
but after some search, ohh! actually i do know them.

but unfortunately, i chose hello kitty * even i hate hello kitty so much! * 
because.. its look like easier than others.

so this is what my mind told me, whats the hello kitty looks like in human form :-

2. draw your favourite food.
i bet everybody knows it........

3. draw your favourite thing

do i have one? i love everything that i have. my lappy, my phones, my watches, my files, my earphones, my photo frames, my teddy bears, my sweet blanket, my study desk, my dresses - which i cant wear it anymore!, my car wafii, my friends, my toys, my anime DVD, my books, novels...okayy... almost everything..
but then... i cant draw everything here! 

so, with no talent, i chose the simpler one... 

my earphones.
this is because, i love wearing earphone most of the time.

you know it!

so thats it!
*petik jari macam power rangers lepas kalahkan musuh...*

but well...

sorry lah ye..
sebab sangat buruk =.="


LOST of love,

Saturday, February 9, 2013

ganti rugi

have you ever heard of  this :
nice to see, nice to hold
once broken consider sold.

i would like to share whats happen in front of me mase aku melepak di bumi Klang hari itu. Shiro membawa aku ke satu kedai serbaneka. serbaneka lah, because there is watches, keychains, toys, everything.. macam. HOT market.. haa, cmtulah...

so, i went there because Syud really wanted to buy a watch. pada mulanya kami memang tengok the watches, lepastu.. aku lari menelek earfon2 murah kat situ. well, earfon murah memang tak boleh nak percaya sangat, but, as its price is only cost rm5, aku buat keputusan untuk beli, dan berdoa.. ia mampu bertahan.. for at least 1 bulan cuti ni. *earfon aku yg samsung rosak.. yang beats rosak jugak. beats tipu lah tapi... *

so, bila syud had make her choice, dia panggil aku datang ,maii dekat dengan dia.. so, aku pun datang.. when i reached to the watch counter, there was a fight between a mother and the shop assistant. nak dijadikan cerita, a boy, age of maybe 3-4 years old, with cant speak very well, is handling one toy, which believed to be owned by the store. tak tahu mana dia dapat the toy, suddenly.. bila the mum dah pergi kedai lain, baru the mum perasan about the toy. so, the mom come back to the store, and try to pulangkan the toy back. sebab the mom kurang pasti whether she do pay for the toy or not. 

but unfortunately, the shop assistant put the blame on her son, and doesnt want to have the toy back.. the mom try to persuade the girl, but then the girl turns red and scold the mom. so the mom pun after being scolded by the girl, become angry and turns green. so, both of them bergaduh, sampai other customer is being neglected. walaupun banyak pekerja, all the pekerja are watching the scenes, sebab itu jauh lebih penting dan menarik. HAHA. *what a nice SARCASM *

to solve problems, the mom pun mengalah dan mengeluarkan RM4 dari purse nya. then she said.. " oklahh kalau nak kata saya salah, anak saya mencuri.. ameklah duit ni.. saya bayar toy ni.."

i think the mom is doing the most right thing.. and i was think like, ' kalau susah sangat.. meyh lah aku bayar..', at first.. tapi bila the mom dah buat cmtu, then aku diam jelah.

bila the mom bagi duit rm4 tu kepada the shop assistant, suddenly.. the shop assistant tolak the money back to the mom rudely and said " kedai kami punya policy, kalau pencuri.. kena bayar 5 KALI GANDA harga sebenar! kalau tanak bayar, i have to call my boss or police..." #whatthetooya~! *Grr!! Grr!!

whatlah, aku rasa.. dalam hal ini, kalau betul niat hati the mom nak curi, and abaikan whats anak dia has take, dah lame die balik and ta pusing balik to the store back. tapi takkk, dia pusing balik, try to pulangkan. then willing to pay.. tapi, shop assistant tu kejam plak , nak jugak bayaran 5x ganda tuh..

yes maybe its the store policy, tapi the girl should take it easy on whats customer doing, the step on nak report police dan sebagainya is useless in this issue. take it easy, amek duit rm4 tu, then punch it like regular customer beli barang. bukan senang nak jumpa orang yang jujur dan amanah dalam hidup dia. betul tak? 

thats what i think...

love and faith,

Monday, February 4, 2013

rewards, motivate me!

my father is giving me a challenge on having a very nice curve of bodyline. this is because my size now are totally different from whats am i before/ my dad promise me RM 200 at first, but after he saw me playing badminton, he change to RM500.
this is me now, i dont know.. maybe now i'm larger than this sekarang...

and after i take a look of school picture, and after selecting. ( refuse to upload picture without tudung) then these are only picture that i can put here for share.

this is on the first day of my form five.

this is whether in form four or five.
me with itik!

this is seriously form five, i guess.

form three, four or five.
siap2 nak pergi tuition class.

ok, this picture is kinda bajet sket.
this is when i am form five!

this is form five.
on the SPM seminar.

this is when i am 18.
get gaining weight, semasa kerja di McD.
ni awal agi, cam tak tembam sgt lahhh..

this is form five, i guess.

form five, for sure.
mase ponteng kelas.
lepak bengkel

form five, on hari raya.
i love this pic, seriously!!

okayy afterall, i guess.. i need to work hard to get on that line again.
insyaAllah, i'll make sure the rewards are going to motivate me.

and before i end..
this is the size that i want to be 
back then.

or maybe thinner!!!

give me some sunshine

give me some rain

give me the another chance

i wanna grow up once again