aku kamu dan gyea

aku kamu dan gyea
aku, kamu dan gyea

Monday, January 30, 2012

english education

salam semua! =.=

entry kali ni aku nak cerita atau easily said share lah satu topic yang agak menarik. yelah kite kan sekarang ni tengah dok sebok nak cecakap omputih nii. yelah, ikot peredaran zaman,

i was actually not good in English too. but since i learned at *kinda of English school. so, it takes me better to speak English rather than bahasa Melayu.

guys please, it is not because I am really lupa daratan or whatever you have think right now. it is just because i can't understand several meaning of words. i even can't describe it when it was added by imbuhan and etc.

when I was a young boy.. my father took me into a city, to see a marching band..
ok tak! masa aku kecik2 dulu, my father was very strict like pacik polis bermisai tebal dan melentik! so, every Sunday, i was forced to speak English at home. *samela dengan mama, selagi tak hafal sifir,tak boleh makan! so dari situlah my English skill was sharpen. tambahan pula, my school was 110% was handled by English. announcements, essembly semua was conducted in English. maka dengan itulah, jadi lah aku manusia melayu berdarap matsalleh celop!

my school and my crazy class memang ramai Non-Malay, so.. communication in English is the simplest way to understand each other. mase belajar pun, from what I remembered, only in BM class je kami tak gunakan English. but, madam always speaks English when it comes to give us some advice. * i love you teacher, you are the only why i think i supposed to go for UM. hahaha...haty nak masuk UM yaw!!

entry bukan untuk ceritakan hal peribadi aku. aku nak cerita untuk kawan2 kat luar sana yang English is not that hard. aku yang kebuduhan ini juga boleh lakukannya.

when you're reading, writting or speak.. maybe there's someone yang akan betulkan bacaan or your spellings. PLEASE BE MORE RELAX! jangan lah gelabah. malu sangat ke kalau salah. i was like that since my TADIKA. so, memang dah tradisi, if our friends read or spell the words wrongly, we just open the mouth and cakap. actually, TAK susah pun .. my friends did it to me too. banyak kali. mungkin setiap hari. *mungkin.

i tak malu slah and i was very happy when i learned something for that day, kalau kita asek na betol je, seriously kita takan belajar benda baru and, our life will flow in a constant graph!
lurus je... bosan!

"ikot orang la, you ni miza...ade people sensitive, so die rase hina ditegur!"

SERIOUSLY, ini memang satu perangai yang TAK bagu untuk digunakan. guys please, kalau you all sentap sebab kawan you all tegur, ypu better think TWICE, atau berkali-kali lagi.. because, the person is your friend. and seriously, its even better bila you all guys akan ditegur semasa sesi interview or presentation in your works di luar nanti. you're going to bring the school names, the university's name, faculty's name, and paling teruk sekali your company name!

"jangan bagi tender tu kat Mutiara Holdings, depa dok pandai speak english!"

macam mana pulak kalau benda ni terjadi. so please kawan! jangan takut to be wrong! its just a simple language.

memanglah, kita rakyat malaysia perlu ketengahkan bahasa melayu kita. i am now still learning BM untuk diri sndiri, but English juga diperlukan. macam mana kalau company hanta you all ke laur negara *someone kate, tak mungkin. macam mana pulak conservation dengan pelancong ke, others religion ke.. so, be considerate lah dengan English! still guna kot~

lagipun, buku2 rujukan international kebanyakannye ditulis in english. so, bagus kalau kamu dapat kuasainya. :D

lost of love


encik ketam's day said...

i love the way u wrote bout ur dad,,, hahakk... x baek derrr

mieza mohamed :) said...

hahah.. tape, bapak aku memang pacik polis, cuma die tade misai melentik.ahahah.

give me some sunshine

give me some rain

give me the another chance

i wanna grow up once again