sejak duemenjak ni.. post ini selalu mengganggu aku...
Anak No.1 - Berkepimpinan & Tegas.
Anak No.2 - Penyabar & Kelakar.
Anak No.3 - Manja & Matang.
Anak No.4 - Baik & Bergaya.
Anak No.5 - Baran & Cool.
Anak No.6 - Ramah & Manja.
Anak No.7 - Tegas & Lawak.
Anak No.8 - Menerima & Sabar.
Anak No.9 - Rileks & Pendiam.
Anak No.10 - Penyabar & Baik.
Anak No.11 - Banyak Cakap & Kelakar.
Anak No.12 - Penyabar & Mengada.
Anak No.13 - Manja & Pendiam.
Anak No.14 - Baik & Penyabar.
Anak No.15 - Menerima & Manja.
i tried my best to relate this post with everyone in my life.
from me myself, my friends, families....and my mom?
mama is 2nd in her family, yet mama is kinda penyabar..
but... do mama is kelakar?
okayy.... this facts is wrong,then...
have a nice chat with mama while eating.
i wonder what mom's opinions about the post..
" semalam eja baca taw, anak no 4 ni.. baik dan bergaya.. do you think Ash is bergaya?"
" yes, he is.. tengoklah macam mana dia beli baju.. ini tanak, itu tamahu.."
" ohh.. then anak first is tegas... err"
" tegas ke?" mama asked me back.
" anak third is matang and manja..."
" yes, wani is matang.. mama tengok dia memang matang..."
" so, you're saying me not..?"
" should i answer that question?"
" oohh... and dia kate anak second is......"
dia tulis macam tu tak?"
knows everything.
aku kamu dan gyea
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
tengok wayang sorang jelah.
now there's some best movies on air.
i would like to watch it, but unfortunately... it is for 18 years and above.
so.. Ammar cant folow me watch.
i try to find friends watching with me.\but they sure are more busy.
so.. i watch it alone.
i am okay
to be alone.
i would like to watch it, but unfortunately... it is for 18 years and above.
so.. Ammar cant folow me watch.
i try to find friends watching with me.\but they sure are more busy.
so.. i watch it alone.
i am okay
to be alone.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
world hijab day.
hello world.
on... *hari ape ek? * okay.. on..blabladay
i read my friend status about the World Hijab Day
and i think it is a very good to share with you readers.
on... *hari ape ek? * okay.. on..blabladay
i read my friend status about the World Hijab Day
and i think it is a very good to share with you readers.
so this is the programme. klik untuk tumbesaran..
eh? boleh ke..?
okay, this programme is actually to give experience to those muslim ( which not wearing hijab yet *i am using the word hijab.. okayyyy! ) and the non-muslim who really have a thought of feeling of wearing hijab.
program ini untuk memberi dan memndedahkan kepentingan berhijab kepada para wanita. selain itu, untuk memberi mereka semangat untuk berhijab dan memberi tanggapan baik kepada agama lain tentang hijab.
sepotong ayat yang pernah aku dengar dari satu ceramah dahulu..
" berhijab itu bukan sekadar bertudung.."
so, aku akan totally cuba yang terbaik untuk
program ini.
bukan sahaja untuk program ini,
insyaAllah.. mana tahu.. boleh berkekalan
sehingga ke akhir nanti.
so, girls!
capailah hampa punya selendang ka, scarf ka, tudung ka, pashmina ka, tudung sarung ka, anything as well it can
make you ter-hijab.
and lets feel what the special to be a hijabi.
i want to try it,
how about you?
bagaimana cara untuk memperngaruhi ibu anda?
i'm in the semester break, so my mom ask me to cook for dinner.
as she doesn't has enough time to cook at home.
so i am the only one who cook this week
anyway, my mother still do ask me about her kitchen,
as she doesn't like to have a dirty kitchen.
my mom style is using ice cream box, to put and arrange food in fridge.
walking with mom, at Tesco Supermarket.
mom buying some food to cook.
and i
i only can see a box of vanilla ice cream
with Rasberry.
i feel like eating ice cream
as i have not eating ice cream for quite a long time
so i go and get it
then i bring it to mom..
" nak buat ape beli ice cream eja.. sape ade kat rumah, nak makan?"
" ma.. eja tengok mangkuk mama kat dapur, semua dah tak elok.. so, i guess.. you have to buy this ice cream, for this mangkuk....."
Saturday, January 19, 2013
side job is what i should think...
assalamualaikum wbt to all my readers.
thursday, 18th January, 22:24
i am now in a HOLIDAY mood. i have just finished all my papers, and now i am at home, for my summer break. :) so, whats should i do in this one month holiday? hmmww.. i have downloaded all the episodes of Adam & Hawa, so im totally going to finish the drama first. Syud then, gave me 3 novels to read up. then, i have paper works that have to be done before the sem break end. but until now, the only thing that i choose is SLEEP. hehe.
okayy, last day, i had a simple chat with my friend. he is telling me about his side job. he do works as marketing officer, but he is doing some graphics work for his side job. this is because of some of his friends know his ability of doing graphics.
maka teruslah, i have a sudden sneak peak of side job. well, then, i recognize that peoples around me are doing side jobs too. my father's side job is a business. he conducts a small business of offering premises to the businessman. it is called : Premis dan Hartanah. so, my father's plan is buy premises, or maybe having contract to built the premises, and then sell it away or maybe give a rent to any businessman that manage to conduct a very good business. so far, there is barbers, groceries, florist, traditional foods stall, kraftangan dan juga dobi. although, this is only his side job.. my father did spend almost of his time to conduct his business.
my modelling lecturer choose to play games to find some side 'money'. i dont know how he has been doing, he only answer me " inilah side job.." when i ask him about it. oya told me about her friend, her friend sell his games username to get some money, and before.. he has an experience of selling username to get rm 200. awesome, games now can give you money.
as entering engineering course, everyone here ambitious to be an engineer. so do i. i am really wanted to be a design engineer. and so, i have to be creative, kreatif kah aku ini...? people keep saying that, being engineer is a very busy life. thousands of works, short deadlines, fulfill the customer's requirement, design something that can work. bla,bla,bla. well, sometimes, my lecturers ask me to get in with education's sector. but, in that case, i dont think i can be a good lecturer,then..
no matter what sector do i choose later, my mind blew to find ways to have a side job. i was thinking not only for me, but for others too.
this is what i thought:
Shiro has a very well knowledge of cooking. so, maybe she can open a restaurant. Adam is very good in playing music instrument, maybe he should enter some orchestra group, and get money from the performances. TE and Aslah drawings are amazing. they should open a gallery, or maybe just a poster shop. Asyilah sure can continue her mother groceries, or maybe put some 'upgrade' on it. Musfarezal sure can help on computers problem, as he is very good hacker. maybe Zana should sing, as she have a very good tones.
and after all, i still dont have anything about me.
maybe i do not really have any skills to be put on.
but InsyaAllah..
when there's a will, there's a way.
and its better for me to focus on my former job first.
P/S : (i) my mom rent her old houses to peoples, and i guess tha is 'side job' too.
(ii) or maybe the SIDE ORDER is my SIDE JOB.
till next entry.
thursday, 18th January, 22:24
i am now in a HOLIDAY mood. i have just finished all my papers, and now i am at home, for my summer break. :) so, whats should i do in this one month holiday? hmmww.. i have downloaded all the episodes of Adam & Hawa, so im totally going to finish the drama first. Syud then, gave me 3 novels to read up. then, i have paper works that have to be done before the sem break end. but until now, the only thing that i choose is SLEEP. hehe.
okayy, last day, i had a simple chat with my friend. he is telling me about his side job. he do works as marketing officer, but he is doing some graphics work for his side job. this is because of some of his friends know his ability of doing graphics.
maka teruslah, i have a sudden sneak peak of side job. well, then, i recognize that peoples around me are doing side jobs too. my father's side job is a business. he conducts a small business of offering premises to the businessman. it is called : Premis dan Hartanah. so, my father's plan is buy premises, or maybe having contract to built the premises, and then sell it away or maybe give a rent to any businessman that manage to conduct a very good business. so far, there is barbers, groceries, florist, traditional foods stall, kraftangan dan juga dobi. although, this is only his side job.. my father did spend almost of his time to conduct his business.
my modelling lecturer choose to play games to find some side 'money'. i dont know how he has been doing, he only answer me " inilah side job.." when i ask him about it. oya told me about her friend, her friend sell his games username to get some money, and before.. he has an experience of selling username to get rm 200. awesome, games now can give you money.
as entering engineering course, everyone here ambitious to be an engineer. so do i. i am really wanted to be a design engineer. and so, i have to be creative, kreatif kah aku ini...? people keep saying that, being engineer is a very busy life. thousands of works, short deadlines, fulfill the customer's requirement, design something that can work. bla,bla,bla. well, sometimes, my lecturers ask me to get in with education's sector. but, in that case, i dont think i can be a good lecturer,then..
no matter what sector do i choose later, my mind blew to find ways to have a side job. i was thinking not only for me, but for others too.
this is what i thought:
Shiro has a very well knowledge of cooking. so, maybe she can open a restaurant. Adam is very good in playing music instrument, maybe he should enter some orchestra group, and get money from the performances. TE and Aslah drawings are amazing. they should open a gallery, or maybe just a poster shop. Asyilah sure can continue her mother groceries, or maybe put some 'upgrade' on it. Musfarezal sure can help on computers problem, as he is very good hacker. maybe Zana should sing, as she have a very good tones.
and after all, i still dont have anything about me.
maybe i do not really have any skills to be put on.
but InsyaAllah..
when there's a will, there's a way.
and its better for me to focus on my former job first.
P/S : (i) my mom rent her old houses to peoples, and i guess tha is 'side job' too.
(ii) or maybe the SIDE ORDER is my SIDE JOB.
till next entry.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
sekelip mata!
after woke early in the morning, i straight to mama's office to wait for my lil bro finish his class. we are planning to watch Jack Reacher at 2:40. my lil bro is now form one. well, he dont look like form one, as he is really damn annoying and childish. haha. everyday, he keep bubbling and complain about homeworks..
"why there's so many homeworks!! "
"cikgu bagi kerja sekolah banyaklah mama...."
" i've finish this by now.. kalau tak ta sempat main PSP.."
" WHERE IS MY BOOK!!! tadi letak kat sini tauuu!!. *a second after*.. maaaaa..buku ammar mane?"
he is basically thirteen, but as he borned on december, he is count as twelve.. this is maybe the reason why he acts younger than his actual age.
mom did story me up about what happen on the KOKO registration day. there is four days for the registration. the first day is for sports, second day for uniform board , third day for the clubs, and last but not least.. day for the sports team. (rumah sukan).
on the first day, when my mother reached her office, she saw my brother crying alone. then she asked:
" kenapa ammar nangis?"
" ammar na daftar sukan, tapi semua dah penuh.. ammar beratur, tapi semua orang tolak-tolak.. beratur dekat boling, boling penuh, ammar lari pergi badminton.. badminton penuh, amar pegi bola sepak, penuh jugak, ammar lari pergi hoki, hoki penuh..semua ammar pergi.. semua penuh! " then starts crying again..
" then, ammar daftar tak?"
" daftar..."
"daftar apa?"
" ping pong... itu je takde orang.." then cry again...
my mom laugh like rolling on the floor.. *well, seriously.. when my mom has come to that part, i laugh like never has been laugh for three years.. i was thinking, 'kakak kat sekolah aktif, adek main ping pong...' OK that's no need! *
"ammar ta kira, mama kena tolong ammar masuk boling jugak.."
so the next day, mama go and discuss with the bowling''s teacher. and registered Ash.
second day, my mom was waiting in her office. she has no string attached with the uniform board. all of sudden, my mom's door was hardly pushed, and a giant monster came in with a very ugly face. before mom asking ..........
" mama, KRS dah penuh.. ammar tak tahu nak masuk apa.."
and so, if i was my mom.. i will laugh like hantu bergigi to see a big giant mengamuk for only because he could not register for KRS. actually, i dont want my bro to enter KRS. but, it is his choice as well.
then, my mom once again.. see the teacher incharge to register Ash.
on the third day, before going to the registration.. my mom said to Ash.
" pukul 3, tunggu dekat *place*.. masuk kelab mama je, senang! tapayah nak tuka-tuka!'
this part, i was like dying for laughing..HAHAHAHA
Ash is entering Kelab Bahasa Melayu! he is like noob in bahasa melayu, and he is entering BM club? this is called " impossible!"
but then, if we think about my mom duty- finding teachers, to register Ash, me-then, agree about this.
come to the fourth day...
okayy.. it is like this, my lil bro comes to mama's office and shout..
" ma.. ammar tak dapat rumah minto.. ammar dapat st francis.. "
...mamama..... as usual.. "okayy.."
"mama, ammar na sama dgn mama.."
" okay, nanti petang datang je kat rumah minto, nanti mama tukarkan.."
hahahahaha.. senangnya.
everythng looks like serious and big issue for my brother. mama has to come and solve everything for him. hahha.
then at house, he ask me to fill in his SMM form, and it takes around 30 minutes for him to find where is the forms.. and as usual..
" maaaa... mana profil pelajar ammar...???"
i just sit down at the front table and smile.. how on earth this fella is now form one?
P/S : while waiting Ash, i met someone, who looks familiar to me.. i do not ask him any question, just starring at him for couple of minutes, then, i recognize.. it is Imran's lil brother.. huyaiii.. last time i saw him, Imran brought him to school, for form one registration.. that time, we are just left the school. humakkaii.. the times travels very fast.. even me do not recognize it.
yesterday, my mmc friend, text me. named Fatin. and she said.. " the last time i saw you is on April 2011, now is January 2013.. and so, i just recognize, the time is seriously travels SOOOOOOO fast! something has to be done, Mieza!
dont change, transform!
lost. of love,
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
dynamics itu..
assalamualaikum babes!
malam sebeblum kita semua jawab paper dynamics,.. i believed im too stress with those chapters yang aku tak faham lansung. aku rasa zero.. tanak datang exam.. rasa damn! then i make a call to mommy.. sebenarnya aku dah kol mama dah before tu, i dont know why.. aku rasa nak call lagi. then mama tanaya aku tido pukul berapa.. then i said maybe i'll not sleep that night.. mama kata, eh.. jangalan macam tu. she's all of sudden become very worry pulak aku tak tidor.. padahal, aku memang selalu tak tido kat rumah.. disebabkan hanyut dengan movie-movie menarik, dan game-game yang tak boleh berhenti main.. entah kenapa, after that.. suddenly aku terus menangis ya amat tak boleh berhenti.. air mata aku berubah menjadi air terjun..nahhh..mencurah-curah ke ladang gandum.. aku pun katakan pada mama.. : ma, ja rse ta boleh buat lah ma... with air terjun yang deras menuju ke kawasan kertas yang aku baca..
i was crying like whatsoever disitu.. memalukan, dahla zana gn TE ade kat kawasan kejadian.. disebabkan the things happen very suddenly.. so i feel very shameful. then my mom said: you're too stress.. have some sleep first, then baca lagi.. if you wanna feel tenang, and throw all the down part.. go and so some solat hajat, and recite the al quran.. i am just like, haa.. ok.. em.. ok.. because i still cant stop my air terjun from coming down.
actually i believed im not too stress, but aku rasa macam tak pernah masuk kelas, and tataw apa-apa tentang this subject.. that's why i feel so bad. but some talk with her.. i continued my study session, dengan berjaga sepanjang malam.. with my friend, Zana. as today is acually her birthday. (020192).
i fell asleep after dawn, and after wake up.. i feel something different, which mean.. ' c'mon Miza, lets do this!' so, i take my bath, shampoo my hair.. *feel extra cool after shampoo my hair..* and start to review those notes and hints. then i said to zana.. i'm gonna do this, with blood or tears, i want to do this.. even if i cant answer it.. i want to finish it, and after, i dont wanna know about it again..
with Allah by my side.. in sya Allah/. its gonna be okay. *i said*
around 5, i go to my room at level 4, then i have some chit chat with nakama- SYILA. then, i take my bath, solat asar.. iron baju, then wait for azan magrib.. after magrib solah, i change my cloth, and go downstairs to bilik zana, to take my things.
unlucky me, they had go for exam, and the door is locked. all my things are inside, and i dont have any card, to swipe to open the door. sangat gelabah ketika itu, dahlah lambat untuk ke dewan exam, then.. kena locked pula.. after using syila's stuff.. then pintu berjaya dibuka..
dan maka dengan itu, sampailah beta lambat ke dewan besar utem itu.. dan tergesa-gesalah beta ke tempat duduk..
once i open the booklet, i said : zana mesti boleh buat! that's it! lepastu, i try my best to answer the question..which is i believe it is wrong and cant get marks. tapi atas kepercayaan dan angan-angan nak jadi professor cilik yang pandai derive equation sendiri.. maka jadilah coco crunch, satu equation dan jalan kerja baru yang lebih gempak dan serious power dari Hibler itu.
dan even if my marks are not so good, im happy sebab dah habis, and im thanked my mom because always there for me. now, i am in front of TE lappie, online and feel bad inside. but then, i believe.. my problems are not bad after all.. because allah knows better than me.
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give me some sunshine
give me some rain
give me the another chance
i wanna grow up once again